Landhuis Ronde Klip
From architectural/historical research, it appears this house was built during different periods. What is striking for example is the neo-classical portico with fronton supported by six Tuscan pillars. Due to disrepair, the landhuis needed major restoration; only the bearing walls were retained. The client’s program of requirements made new construction necessary. These modern additions are separate from the historical landhuis. Additional bedrooms are connected to the landhuis by steps and a walkway. Further contrast between old and new is accentuated by the use of different colors and materials. In this way, the landhuis retains its historical value.
In October 2007, this project earned first prize during the 6th FCAA Biennial, Curaçao (Federation of Caribbean Associations of Architects) in the category: Restorations & Contemporary Additions to Historical Buildings or Sites.